Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Crimbo! New monthly update and 2013 goals!

Hope you've all had a good year and have a good year to come! Basically wanted to briefly sum up the month and set my yearly goals! 

This month unfortunately I haven't been able to put in the volume I'd have liked but I have managed almost 85k hands in the last 2 weeks and with a decent 1.09bb/100 EV. Not as nice a graph/results as last month but at nl50 I'll happily take money towards my next shot at nl100 and eventually nl200!

Obviously ran good but its the EV thats all I care about. With rakeback my graph looks like this!...

1500 dollars profit for 2 weeks at nl50 is not to be sniffed at and hopefully next month will be a lot better! After recently moving up to 16 tables I'm comfortably playing 10k hands a day so rakeback is a real boost as long as I can grind out a profit as well! If I can grind out a solid 200k hands next month then rb will be a real bankroll booster. Sooooooo goals.........

January goals
[ ] 200K hands with +EV
[ ] Move up to nl100
[ ] Make improvements on game and put in sufficient study/revision hours

Yearly goals
[ ] Beat nl200
[ ] Hit Supernova
[ ] Make further steps towards playing full time after uni

Got 2 days grinding left before new years just so I can cash in 250 dollars of bonuses then start work on my January Goals! Wishing you all a successful and  fruitful year (as long as you're not making your money from me)!!!


  1. Cheers man! Get on skype some time, wanna see some of your results and need a little help with my table ninja!
